Moinhos Fitness


Parcão, Ipiranga, Cristal, Venâncio, Silva Só, Brasil, Aparício, Wenceslau, Lindóia, Benjamin, Barra, Canoas e Guaíba.
(51) 3023-8885 / 99455-1005

Working hours:

Flexible hours. Please call and check.

Company social networks:

Complete and modern

     For over 15 years in the market, MOINHOS FITNESS is one of the most traditional gyms of Porto Alegre. With 13 units in the capital, Guaíba and Canoas, it’s one of the biggest gym network in Brazil.

   Besides being on diverse districts, what makes an easy access for students to the establishments, Moinhos Fitness stands out for the qualification of its professionals and for its complete, modern and well arranged infrastructure.

    The matriculated student at Moinhos can go to any gym of the group, as well as can practice more than 30 available modalities. Among them, fight lessons, gymnastics and dancing.

Photos: Divulgation

Complete and modern

     For over 15 years in the market, MOINHOS FITNESS is one of the most traditional gyms of Porto Alegre. With 13 units in the capital, Guaíba and Canoas, it’s one of the biggest gym network in Brazil.

    Besides being on diverse districts, what makes an easy access for students to the establishments, Moinhos Fitness stands out for the qualification of its professionals and for its complete, modern and well arranged infrastructure.

    The matriculated student at Moinhos can go to any gym of the group, as well as can practice more than 30 available modalities. Among them, fight lessons, gymnastics and dancing.

Photos: Divulgation